Geothermal Energy
With geothermal energy, we use the earth to extract and store heat and cold. This sustainable and future-proof solution to make homes and buildings gas free is now commonplace and is used on a large scale. At Conrad, we use geothermal energy to refer to maximum depths of 500 metres: any deeper and we use the term deep geothermal energy. Our drilling rig series, including the BOXER GT and COMBI GT models, is used for individual homes as well as apartment blocks and commercial premises. Our emission-free rigs help every construction company with its future-proof approach.

The Boxer 60 GT from Conrad is a huge compact and lightweight machine with a lot of power! The big advantage is that this Boxer 60 can be used for geothermal energy at any location. Where the big boys give up, this small installation is looking for space.

The Boxer 120 GT for geothermal energy delivers maximum value for money. This Boxer has a pulling force of five tons with which it can drill holes up to 180 meters very efficiently. And this simply means that he can serve most of the market.

The Boxer 150 GT for geothermal energy has the best of all worlds. Easy to transport with a single transport, flexible in smaller spaces and extremely powerful. The 150 GT is very interesting both ergonomically and financially – because of the lower personnel costs.

The Boxer 200 GT is the machine for geothermal energy and geothermal energy. More compact than the Combi 300, but with a lot of power. The operating comfort, especially for such a powerhouse as the Boxer 200 GT, is one of a kind. All important drilling functions, from setting up the drilling rig to installing the drainage filters, can be performed with the remote control.

The Combi 300 GT is pre-eminently a machine for challenging projects in geothermal energy. With a range of more than 350 meters and its enormous power, this Conrad Combi 300 has proven to be a very reliable installation.
Real Dutch craftsmanship and virtue, combined with high-tech possibilities. SOLID AS A ROCK, FOR OVER 100 YEARS.
Driven by technology, by improvement. Passionate about the development of the most advanced international products.
Continuous innovation, serving our clients. Drilling installations that fit like a glove, that is customization at Conrad.
The power of Conrad and its machines? every drilling rig is designed, developed and programmed under one roof.